Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Paul Ryan Agrees on the Non-Christianity of Obama's Socialism

My ebook, Not My Brother's Keeper, questions how Barack Obama interprets the Judeo-Christian Bible to support his socialistic principles of wealth distribution. I am not alone in questioning the President.

Back before the early November election Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan similarly observed that Obama's public policies are antithetical to Christian principles:
Obama’s policies on health care and religious freedom are a “dangerous path,” Ryan, a Catholic, told members of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, according to the New York Times. “It’s a path that grows government, restricts freedom and liberty and compromises those values, those Judeo-Christian, Western civilization values that made us such a great and exceptional nation in the first place.” [Posted by Rachel Weiner on the Washington Post Blog.]
 Obviously this did not make much difference in the election, with 50 percent of Catholics voting for Obama and 48 percent for Romney.

1 comment:

  1. You are suffering from misusing entity all by your own interpretation. Who are more Christians than you, me or them? How you come to your conclusions are so erroneous. Know the commandment of Christ and why He came to show you and me how we must live to do work for Him. You think you can do what he wants you to do by denying the help others are so fervently hoping for? If you think the government is more adhering to socialism as McDurmont defines it, then how about the Catholics Church that owns properties all over the world, free from taxation? You are a neo-conservatives who use Christianity as a tool to advance your interest against the others.

